Recently, I found out about a place online that sells very cheap glasses, think less than 40$ including shipping! So I ordered Micah a new pair of dark blue, titanium framed glasses (we'll see about the quality...boys are rather rough on glasses!). We were pretty excited about this answer to prayer and we eagerly opened the package yesterday when it came in the mail. Then we noticed some funny yellow markings on the sides...Winnie the Pooh?! Definitely NOT appreciated by a certain 8 1/2 year old boy!
The glasses are SO cute on him, though, and I got him to wear them for a while in spite of Winnie. And he commented that it's great to have glasses that he can actually see out things were going along swimmingly until little sister came in, took one look and said, "You look silly in those glasses!" That's all it took to bring on a major breakdown...sigh...he's convinced that the other kids at school will make fun of his glasses (even though Winnie is nearly microscopic!), so we'll see how it goes today...I reminded him that most people are rather ego-centric and tend to think more about themselves than about Micah, but sometimes that's hard to accept when it just FEELS like everyone is looking and laughing.
Sounds like you had a good teaching moment there! Maybe he'll forget about Winnie after a few days? :)
Yes, it was a great teaching moment...I asked him how it went today and he said good. I asked if anyone made fun of him, and he said one girl did, but she laughed at his friend Mark when he got new glasses, too, so we decided that we're not going to trust her judgment! :)
Micah usually does have a hard time with change, like he never does like his hair when it's newly cut, or thinks his new clothes look weird...but usually after a day or so, he gets used to it. He's also very sensitive to what others might think, I can see how he will struggle with this more as he gets older.
The glasses are awesome! But I feel your pain - my girl wears glasses too and they are SUCH a huge "issue". Glad that he had a good day (mostly) at school and that he will be able to overlook Winnie :-)
Ours haven't come yet... mail issues... so I have yet to see how they turn out. Hoping they are the right ones and the boys adjust well to wearing them... sigh...
#3 is warming up to the idea because he has tried on a few friend's glasses who has the same or similar prescription and he says, "Hey mom! Look, with the glasses, I can see the leaves on the trees! They have shapes!"
#2's best friend, who also wears glasses, is leaving... sigh... so that won't help...
This is such a great lesson for all of us, isn't it. Sometimes the gifts God give us aren't at all what we are expecting, but are God-given nonetheless.
I love Micah's eyes on that last one. :) Hey, I think Winnie the Pooh is cool!
wonderful life lesson - but oh how hard
Delighted to meet you! Oh so excited. I just began this blogging adventure a month ago and just found your site. Giggles of joy coming from my heart. I will be back, to get to know you and splash around a bit more in God's goodness.
Hugs from this missionary mommy,
Sarah Dawn
Welcome, Sarah Dawn! Glad you are enjoying the blogs...welcome to the 'community'. :)
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