Yeah, right!
It's now Thursday, Miguel comes home on Sunday, and I'll be doing good to have made up the beds for his Mom and brother! It has taken all of my energy just to take care of the kids and keep up with the dishes and a little bit of laundry...I have a renewed respect for all single Moms!!! Hat's off to you!
This week the three older kids have been attending VBS at our church, giving me some "free" time in the mornings...I say "free" because I still have Jkaile, but being down to just one kid from four frees me up quite a bit! :D On Monday I made a Walmart trip. Walmarts here aren't really quite like the Walmarts back stateside, but still a pretty good shopping experience. I enjoyed pushing the cart around the store and perusing the shelves a little more slowly than usual while Jkaile enjoyed a cinnamon roll from the bakery. Actually, Miguel has been doing most of the shopping for us lately, so even just going to the store is fun for me!
Anyway, I popped into the makeup/jewelry/sunglasses section to look for a strap for Micah's new glasses (didn't find any) and found myself looking at the fake fingernail section. I have to admit that I'm a nailbiter...can't remember a time when I haven't bitten my nails. :( I recently came across this picture and had to laugh...

Yep! That's me down there in the front, chewing on that fingernail for all I'm worth! My parents tried everything from bribery to punishment...nothing ever worked. The only times I've ever been able to grow my nails out is when I have been pregnant or used fake fingernails. But then I always start biting them again. I have been noticing that the habit has been getting worse lately (if that's even possible!) and I decided that maybe I need to be a bit more proactive about it. I'm not pregnant, so I decided to go the acrylic route and bought myself a bunch of fake nails.
So I get them home and then realize that I have no suitable fingernail polish! So I called a friend and she said she'd loan me some. Good, okay, so I am a complete novice at putting on nails or doing anything of the sort, so it was a bit awkward getting them on...I finally got the first hand done and the nails clipped quite short because I'm not used to long fingernails. I was halfway done with the second hand, when I looked over and to my horror noticed that Jkaile was jumping happily on the couch in a state of undress (we've been potty training) with a poopy derriere!!!! Oh my goodness! So there I was, cleaning him up with those long nails on my right hand (hadn't trimmed those yet) and I just about decided that long fingernails are not for me!
But, I got the mess cleaned up and got back to work on my that time, I had to rush to get ready to go pick the kids up from VBS and it was embarrassing to show up with white nails (I picked up the nail polish on the way home). And then one fell off. groan. I'm happy to say, though, that despite the rough start, I'm beginning to like them! I don't think I have particularly pretty hands anyway, I inherited my dad's short, rather stubby fingers, and having long nails seems to make them more feminine. I think I like that. And if you've known me long at all, you will know I'm not exactly the epitome of femininity (my goodness, is that the right word? looks funny, but sounds cool).
So when Miguel gets back, probably all I'll have to show for my time will be pretty fingernails and children that survived his time away! Oh well...I've about convinced myself that maybe it would be better to tackle those cleaning projects with Miguel's Mom to help me anyway...
Ha! You had me laughing over this post. I'm sitting in my room surrounded by heaps of winter clothes I pulled out of my closet and trying to get motivated enough to sort through them all.
I tried fake nails for a cousin's wedding. Looked nice, but my fingers felt heavy, and I missed something to chew on! I kept them on, at least until I discovered that I could NOT type in them. Hmm.. maybe I'll try again and cut them shorter. That might work - until I have to go to work where long nails mean infections for me and cuts for old people whose skin is paper thin.
Still, it is worth thinking about for the summer traveling...
I'm laughing my head off!!!!!
You know I'm in complete sympathy :)
Great idea! Dehlia will LOVE helping you!
Thank you so much! I really needed a good laugh today.
I think you are right, though. Take advantage of the help. I'm sure Miguel's mom will be blessed to be needed. :)
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