Lunch for Family Fun Day was provided on a donation basis by the students who are in missionary training at the Rancho Siloé. The money earned will be used for making a trip out to visit one of the tribal bases, so everyone was quite happy to chip in for that good cause!

They had a good variety of burritos and hot dogs as well.

Caleb, the cook, grilling hot dogs...we hope
to have a grill like that here at the Bible Institute
dorm soon! Miguel's working on it!

Miguel and Alcides enjoying their food...Alcides is
from the cowboy country in Colombia and
loves to dress the part!

Loving those chips! He kept begging
chips off of anyone who had any left on their plates! haha

Jojo and his lunch...

Barb, the Kindergarten teacher, taking
Looks like you guys had a great time! And the kids did well at their competitions too!
Our school is still too small here for organized sports...I miss going and cheering on at the games! :) Oh well...that's not what we are here for anyway, I guess! :)
Have a great rest of your week, Becky!
Yes, well, hopefully the school will grow! :) It is a fun time, the kids look forward to it all year!
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