Ready for an eyeful of pictures? I decided to just put them on one post instead of dividing them up, so here goes...
Not my best cake, but Micah loved it!
That's what counts, anyway...right? lol

Ready for the party to start!

Jkaile helped with the decorations...

JD taste-testing the nachos...

Counting off for 'weird baseball'.
After the snow that morning, I was so very thankful
that it cleared up enough to have the outdoor games as planned!
Also very thankful for Miguel and all his help with
the kids...I literally could not have done
this without him...

"Weird baseball' is somewhat like regular baseball,
but played with things OTHER than baseballs...
notice I highlighted the shoe on that pitch!

Birthday boy takes his turn...

The boys taking turns shooting the pellet gun,
no surprise that it was a big hit!

It was somewhat of a segregated party, with the boys
playing with Miguel and the girls either on the trampoline...

...or on Gracia's bed!

Birthday boy blowing out the candles...

A few of the presents...
every boy needs a trusty sword...

Apples to Apples Bible Edition!!!!

Lovin' the Legos!

Post-Party...I think it was a success!
Happy birthday Micah!!!! And we LOVE Apples to Apples!!!!
How much fun! Your boy is growing up! :)
What fun, I think that was a fine cake!
Thanks, Melissa, for your encouragement...your cakes are so cute!!!!
@Angela...he is!!!!! yikes! :) but fun...
@La Ceiba...thanks! We really love it, too, we played again last night. Such a good family game! And the kids learn vocabulary, too! :)
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