Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bonfire I

Nothing my kids love better than to build a FIRE! They are such good MKs...and I'm glad we have the space in the yard to build bonfires once in a while. The challenge is in finding the wood in this desert landscape! We'd been collecting a few odd pieces here and there and the kids and I picked up some sticks where someone had been clearing brush one street over from our house. So it wasn't a huge fire, but enough to satisfy until the next time...

Jojo waiting for the fire to burn down...

Gracia heating up a tortilla for her hot dog (the
kids and I are yeast intolerant, unfortunately, so
we often use tortillas in place of bread)...

Micah ready to heat his tortilla...

Jkaile insisted on roasting his own hot dog!

Even with Daddy's help, I think it got a wee bit charred...


Alan & Beth McManus said...

If you hadn't told us you are yeast intolerant, I would have thought, "They are truly bi-cultural!

Rebecca Conduff Aguirre said...

Well, even without being yeast intolerant, we would probably still eat a lot of tortillas! Although not for hot :) We had tacos (American style) often growing up in Colombia and always had to make them by hand since we couldn't buy them I knew how to make flour tortillas before we ever came to Mexico!