Getting ready for Valentine's Day Parties at school!
Gracia and classmate Caleb making sugar cookies
at Caleb's house for their class.

Micah wanted to make something to take for
his class party. We decided to make
strawberry jelly tarts.
The tarts in the oven.
Miguel helped Gracia sign the cards we made
to hand out at the party.
Uh-oh! Somebody got into the markers!!!!
Addressing the envelopes... 
First batch done!
First batch done!
We put some gummy hearts on top
once the jelly was a little cooler.
So pretty!
They are really, really yummy!
(one of them stuck in the muffin tin so
I got to sample...heehee)
Yum! Those look great!
Only a few came back home, so seems like they were a hit! Very, very sweet, though...probably better in a mini-muffin pan. Would use less jelly, too! :o
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