Last November, Jojo fell on the concrete steps in front of our house and cut open his chin.

Last Saturday, he fell onto his bicycle and the end of one of the handlebars gouged him pretty good...

No stitches either time and this latest scrape seems to be healing pretty well...but now I'm wondering what else might be in store for Jojo's chin?
isn't it funny how one child seems
to get hurt in the same place over and over? My younger brother...
when he was little...a long time ago....had a summer when he injured the same toe at least four times... I remember him being carried around because he couldn't walk. he couldn't wear shoes because his toe was all wrapped in gauze. my mother watched him constantly hoping to get that toe healed before school started...because he would really need to wear shoes then :)
Now one of my boys has a nice round scar like that on his head - same thing, a bicycle handlebar. He has another on his lip, but that was where he put an arrow right through it. Boys. The nice thing is that they are actually proud of their scars, not "scarred" by them.
@Cindy-I have a nephew who keeps splitting open the same spot on his sister and BIL have just taken to using super-glue on it!
@Ellie-they took the bicycle out again yesterday, made me nervous! We do need to cover those sharp are right, if it had been Gracia, I probably would have gone to see if she needed stitches! :) Someone commented that now he'll have that 'rugged' look! lol
puts a whole new twist on "keep your chin up"... maybe he should keep his down! ha, ha....
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