Friday, January 30, 2009
25 Random Things About Me
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are suppose to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, goals about you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page-paste these instructions in the body of the note, type 25 things, tag 25 people (including the one who tagged you) & click "publish."
1. I am an MK...that explains a lot right there.
2. I like to paint with acrylics...just finished another picture a few minutes ago, in fact! I also like to paint rocks.
3. My family is originally from Oklahoma (both Dad and Mom), I was born in Pennsylvania, grew up in Colombia, have lived in both Venezuela and Mexico, we are now living in Mexico, residents of Arkansas, but have a Texas mailing address. Are we confused or what?
4. I am energized by being with people...if I'm isolating, something is probably wrong.
5. If I'm quiet, something is probably wrong.
6. I love to laugh. If I'm not laughing, something is probably wrong.
7. I have four kids...they are driving me to my prayer! They are really great kids and we are SO blessed, but this parenting thing isn't for wimps!
8. I knew I was going to marry Miguel the first time I saw him (incidentally, didn't even know his name at the time!).
9. Miguel and I were were married in a civil ceremony in Caracas, Venezuela the day we were reunited after not having seen each other for a year and a half.
10. Church wedding followed 2 weeks later in Bogota, Colombia...
11. All four of my children were born in Arkansas.
12. I once spent the night lost in the jungle with my dad...
13. I have eaten...monkey, tapir, lapa, chiguiro, alligator, macaw (don't recommend it-not that good), turtle, pirana, grub worms (they are better fried than raw-then they don't wiggle in your mouth), squirrel (sorry, Tasha), sea turtle eggs (they are kind of rubbery) far I've avoided eating most insects, roasted tarantula, caterpillars, and snakes.
14. Would love to visit Australia some day.
15. I play the guitar. Had who knows how many years of piano growing up, but didn't really catch on too well...Mrs. Dye always said I pounded the keys...besides, I HATED the recitals!
16. My identity is in Christ. And now I am free.
17. My Mom got bitten by a pirana once.
18. I have a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. Graduated from the University of Arkansas...Go Hogs!
19. I was a tomboy.
20. I have a very feminine daughter.
21. I'm most likely severely addicted to coffee...oh, well.
22. I am most comfortable in jeans, t-shirt, and flip-flops.
23. I had already forgotten what a 1 1/2 year old can be like!
24. When I'm down, I most often turn to the Psalms for comfort.
25. I really, really love my husband.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Declaring His Glory
what is man that you are mindful of him,
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
let your glory be over all the earth.
Ps. 57:5
The other morning I just had to run outside and snap some pictures
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Silly me!
I locked myself out of the house!
Several factors contributed to this highly annoying situation...
- I was NOT wearing my keys around my neck (obviously) because Miguel had taken them; at the moment, it's the only set we have that includes the key to the padlock on the front gate. He needed them since he took the van out today.
- I wore pants with no pockets today...normally, if I don't wear the keys around my neck, I would put the other set in my pocket.
- The mat was not placed in front of the door as usual since Miguel had shaken it off earlier and left it at the bottom of the steps. Normally, the mat does not allow the door to close all the way and we can catch it before it slams shut.
So, Jojo was going to water the plants and I stepped outside to help Jkaile down the steps and wham! I heard that door slam behind me and I knew I was in trouble! Such a sinking feeling...
At first I figured that I was REALLY stuck because I didn't have keys to get out the gate, either, but then I noticed that Miguel had left the padlock on the main gate open. PTL for small things! :) (If I hadn't been able to get out the gate to go call at a friend's house, I'm not sure what I would have done...asked some stranger walking by if I could please use their cell phone to call my husband since I was locked out of the house?! THAT would have been quite embarrassing!)So I loaded the boys into the stroller and I went over to a friend's house to call Miguel. We had a nice chat over some hot tea while we waited for him to get back, so all was not lost!
Unfortunately, I DID lose the rice I had been was rather charred by the time I got back home...
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I think I might decide I need two more gallons tomorrow...
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Slow Saturday Morning
Friday, January 16, 2009
Scattered Thoughts
Miguel is on a trip right now, he and a colleague are at the Rio Grande Bible Institute representing our organization at their mission's conference. I'm really excited that he can go and I'm sure it will be a very interesting experience for him...but I'm really missing him here at home!!! I feel really scatterbrained and afraid I'll do something silly, like lock myself out of the house (which explains why I'm wearing my keys!). I did that once and had to wait outside for over an hour until Miguel got home...yeah. I'm sure somebody has extra keys to our house, but then I'd have to admit that yes, I locked myself out and that would be embarrassing...
I have been able to spend some good time with the kids, though, and I'm grateful that I'm feeling pretty well this week. I am getting tired, yes, but it's been manageable so far. I just have to remember to take care of myself...sounds funny, but I don't always do a good job of it! For one thing, making it a priority to be receiving my strength from God by staying connected through prayer and the Word. For another, not overestimating what I can do and then regretting not having rested more later...nearly every Mom can testify that the hours between 5 and 7 p.m. or so can be quite stressful! Everyone seems to be tired, cranky, demanding, hungry, etc. So if I don't rest in the early afternoon, I crash in the late afternoon and this week I have no back-up. That's one of the times that I really miss having Miguel's help with the kids...the other time being in the mornings, getting the kids ready for school. So I've been pacing myself and so far, so good.
This afternoon Gracia and I played some card games while Jojo and Jkaile were still sleeping...sad to say, she won nearly all the games we played! And then tonight I built a fire (is it just me, or do all MKs like to build bonfires?!) and we roasted hot dogs, tortillas, plátano, potatoes, and eggs (still need to work on the egg thing, but they were pretty good). The kids loved it (Jkaile a little too much, had to work hard to keep him away from the fire!), it was something different, and we didn't really add any dirty dishes to the pile!
See...still got my keys on...
Working in the garden
I set out the rock I'd painted our name on and then
wondered when Miguel was going to work out there again...
Then one day I thought...why am I waiting?
Lady Gracia
Mr. Independent
Monday, January 12, 2009
Waiting for the Bread to Bake
Jojo: Mommy, did you know there are diamondth in heaven?!
Mom: Yes, there are!
Jojo: And the threetth are pafed wif gold! (giggle, giggle)
Mom: Yes, but do you know what the biggest treasure in heaven is?
Jojo: Diamondth! (hee, hee)
Mom: Well, yes, but Jesus will be in heaven and He is our greatest treasure!
A few moments of silence...
Jojo: Oh (giggle, giggle), I can't wait to die!
Well, Jojo, selfishly I hope it's later than sooner! :)
Don't think I'm ready for you to walk those streets of gold just yet...
Friday, January 9, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Rock painting
After that, I wanted to paint a rock for our cactus garden out front (we've been working on it little by little and we planted the first cactus just the other day-exciting). I wanted to put some color on it, but Miguel voted to have it "look like a rock" so I left it with just the letters. BUT, I have plans for some other rocks and they will definitely have lots of color!
I gave this set to my friend Laura who just recently left Mexico...this time I added the shadowing to the letters, makes them stand out more. I left these simple so the emphasis would be on the words from I Corinthians 13. These rocks about about 2-3 inches long?
I did a few other projects as Christmas gifts too, but I forgot to take pictures. I think I got caught up in the excitement of Christmas and gifts and now I'm going to have to go around to my friends' houses to take the pictures so that I can have a record of them. Oh, well, a good excuse to go visiting!