I often see promotions on milk cartons or other products here in Mexico, such as buy 4 of "these", pay a little extra and get "this", usually kitchen utensils or something. But today I really hit the jackpot! I quickly ran into one of the local grocery stores on the way home from church to grab a few things, mainly milk and eggs (we were down to a can of evaporated milk this morning!). As I reached the dairy case, I noticed several ladies standing there and one of them rattled off some promotion they were having for buying Lala brand dairy products. I didn't quite catch everything she said, but did catch something about some sort of glass something...I picked up two gallons of Lala brand milk,a large container of Lala yoghurt, and some Lala sour cream (our favorite brand anyway) and she said she would meet me at the customer service desk. I figured I would have to pay a few extra pesos for whatever she was offering and maybe even have to decline, so imagine my surprise when she handed me this backpack and these two really awesome glass canisters...for
FREE! :) It caused a stir...quite a few other customers stopped to admire my prize! Sweet!

Now I need to decide what to use them for...

It's a bit hard to see, but there's the LALA
inscribed on the side with the trademark butterfly. :)

I think I might decide I need two more gallons tomorrow...
Those are great! You can have so much fun with them!
I'm seeing a future craft project here - some sort of lamp or something.
I love it when God 'surprises' us like this!
I'm totally envious of the Lala canisters!! That is my absolute favorite brand of cream and sour cream and milk!!!! I love the sour cream even more than stateside stuff...but now here I am in the US and you in Mex...enjoy!.......*sigh*
@Shilo-aren't they?! :)
@Honduras-you know, I had been thinking of them as merely containers, but now that you mention it...
@Cindy-God is good! It was a rough weekend and that just kind of made it better!
@Cindy-We have tried other brands and while Miguel prefers the sweeter creams, both Micah and I agree that the LaLa is the one for us! And the yoghurt was really, really good! I'm not sure I'd tried the Lala brand in yoghurt before...and I usually go for the Lala milk, too. I would send you some, but...well, you know...
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