Friday, February 13, 2009

Party Pics!

Decorating the cookies...
Look at that smile!

This picture is basically the same as the last one...
but I like that both Gracia and Jojo are looking
at the camera this time...

Leftovers...looks like they went a bit heavy on the sprinkles!
Gotta love Kindergarten!


Shilo said...

Oh my goodness! Jojo looks soooooooooo grown up!

Rebecca Conduff Aguirre said...

Yes, he's very grown up now! And it helps that he just got a haircut on Sunday...he still won't make the cut-off date for kindergarten next year, though. His bday is about 2 months late! They may consider relaxing that a bit, so he still might get in, but probably not. He'll definitely be ready for something, though, probably K4 Abeka here at home...