Monday, March 30, 2009
Waxing Poetic
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Pequeño Rebaño (Little Flock)
Yesterday, was the Fiesta Vaquera (Cowboy Day) and Miguel had a big part in a play they put on for the kids. I decided to attend as well just so I could watch the show! :) Miguel played the part of Vaquero Lucas, who desperately needed to be clean not only on the outside, but on the inside as well! It was neat to see how the Gospel could be shared through a humorous story that really grabbed the kids' attention. And of course, our kids enjoyed watching Miguel act in a play...although they did wonder why his voice sounded so funny! (the play was lip-synced)

Vaquero Vázquez advising Vaquero Lucas that

Vaquero Lucas getting advice from a friend on how he
could become clean on the those
bowed legs, Miguel! haha!

Vaquero Vásquez and Vaquero Lucas
I have to say that Miguel looks pretty awesome
in his cowboy clothes!
I think we need to get him some boots...

After the play, there was a concert by
country music band
Pedro Ochoa & Lazzo Doble...
great Christian country music!

Monday, March 23, 2009
New Puppy
Family Pictures
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Say What?
I wanted to add some squash to a soup I was cooking the other day, so I ran over to one of our local stores a few blocks down the street. The store is one of the bigger ones in the neighborhood, about the size of a small convenience store...they sell a variety of vegetables and fruits, meats, dairy products, snacks, grocery and household items, and also things like chile relleno (stuffed chilies) and frijoles (cooked pinto beans sold in bags). I looked over the vegetable counter, but no squash.

I decided to buy a gallon of milk and a couple of other things and while paying, I asked if they had calabaza, squash. One of the two ladies there, said sure! Right over here...but it turned out to be small, zuchini-like squash commonly called calabazín...not what I wanted. So I asked them if they had any other kind of calabaza.
Results...blank looks. I began to describe it, you know, it's big (motioning with hands)...a lot larger than these calabazín, green on the outside, orange inside, you can toast the seeds to eat? Again, blank looks.
Then the first lady said, oh, papaya? No, I said, usually you eat it in soups...the other lady then exclaimed chayote! I was getting kind of frustrated at this point because papaya is not related to calabaza at all and it's not common to toast the seeds to eat. And chayote isn't large or even orange inside!
I had pretty much given up all hope of successful communication and was feeling like a very silly gringa who can't talk right, when the first lady said, oh, calabaza! No, no, we don't have any.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
For the Love of Jacob
I've been thinking a lot about one particular video session in the Patriarchs study; Session Six, titled For the Love of Jacob. This session was about Jacob's face-to-face encounter with God as he waited to face his brother, Esau, the next day. Beth says "when we dread facing something or someone, what we need most is to honestly face God."
Beth points out that included in Jacob's face-to-face encounter were:
- An honest appraisal-we are who we really are when we are alone!
- An honest fight-God taught Jacob how to face up and fight honestly...remember Jacob's tendency toward deceit and manipulation? God's goal in inviting or allowing us to fight/wrestle Him is to make us overcomers. "Even when God appears to be against us, He is for us."
- An honest blessing-Jacob had deceived his earthly father to receive his earthly blessing; now he received an honest blessing from his heavenly father.
- An honest name-the name "Jacob" meant 'deceiver' and 'cheater', but God replaced that name with "Israel". "When we struggle through the crisis with God all the way to the blessing, we are gloriously redefined." Rev. 2:17 "...To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it."
There were so many things in this video that jumped out at me and of course, Beth puts them all together so much better than I do...
- How much do I resist being alone? And how do I feel when I'm alone?
- Psalm 3:3 "But you are a shield around me, Oh Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head." When I am before my Lord, hanging my head in shame, he lifts up my head!
- Beth mentioned several strongholds that she struggles with: fear, shame, insecurity...I relate to that...
- What kind of a fighter am I? Did I grow up with "dirty" fighting in my family? Is it a pattern that needs to be broken?
- Having a stronghold of insecurity says "I've got to win this!" So it's "hurt-them-as-bad-as-we-can-as-soon-as-we-can" in order to win. That's fighting dirty.
- The true definition of a "win" is that at the end of the fight I am not all muddy from fighting dirty down on the ground.
- God wants to bless me. Sometimes He has to hurt me in order to get me to let Him bless me.
- "Sometimes in the dark of our night seasons, we don't know with whom we're struggling until the light begins to dawn."
I think I related so much to this teaching because on that particular day that we watched this video, I had had a time of wrestling with God. First alone, in the wee hours of the morning and then again as I talked through my struggle with a friend. I almost didn't even go to the study, but God be praised, I did.
An honest apraisal is that I am struggling with fear, an inability to trust God to take care of me no matter what decisions are made for my future. As Miguel and I sit down to discuss ministry plans and options, I can sometimes hardly even talk or pray about it, paralyzed with the fear of the unknown future. And that fear is not from God...God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. II Tim. 1:7 Yes, maybe my fear is understandable given the circumstances, but not justified...and certainly not glorifying to God.
But I think the foundations of that stronghold of fear in my life crumbled quite a bit that day as I wrestled with God...coming face-to-face with Him in the quiet of the early morning...hearing His truth spoken to me through a friend. I still struggle with it, but it's not as overwhelming as it was before. There are even times of strong, unwavering faith in God that weren't there before...but when those doubts begin creeping back, I remind myself that the truth of the matter is that whatever the future holds for me, for our family, I can be confident that God will be there, He will give me grace...His desire is that I overcome and be "gloriously redefined" as I abandon myself to Him. And He WILL take care of me every step of the way.
A Thoughtful Gift
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Local Rodeo
Monday, March 2, 2009
Anaconda Adventure
My parents joined this tribal team in 1980 and our family spent about 5 years living at the Laguna Pavon (Bass Lake) location before moving inland. It's kind of a long story, but the reason the houses were built in the middle of the lake was that this was a contact work and the Macú-Nukak people were rather hostile at the beginning. It took several years to overcome the fear they had of the missionaries and to build their trust. Ironically, they thought the missionaries would possibly kill and eat them, whereas I'm sure the missionaries wondered the same about them!
Anyway, this first picture is an aerial view of our houses and the airstrip. Our family's house was the second from the "top". Two of the houses were on stilts and the other floated on huge blocks of styrofoam-the fourth building was a small floating storage building. Looking back now, I can see how this living situation was a HUGE challenge for my Mom, especially with a toddler (my little sister) who had a penchant for falling in the water...but for us girls it was basically an adventure! We spent many carefree days swimming, canoeing, and exploring. Lots of memories there...

This is what the houses on stilts looked like. This was our coworkers house; ours was much the same...

A Message for Every Wife/Mother...
I listened to this message twice yesterday and it really spoke to my heart. Really, really good stuff!